Your Madrasah Student Portal

Utilizing the latest technology, we have created a unique e-learning platform for your child to learn in the most effective way possible. Each student will have access to their own portal, containing numerous features including: the ability to pause, watch and re-watch lessons, track their progress, view exam results and ask questions at any time.

Students and their parents can also keep track of their Quran progress with our Quran tracker. In addition,  students have the opportunity to learn duas in the ‘My Duas’ section of their portfolio. This custom made learning platform works on all major devices including laptops, ipads, tablets and mobile phones, so your child can learn wherever they are, on whatever device they wish.

Advanced e-Learning Platform
Each child has their own unique user profile using a secure password based login system. Children can customize their profile area by uploading any profile picture from their computer or mobile to personalize their portfolio. We have done all the hard work for you and compiled everything your child needs. All you require is a compatible electronic device and internet connection. Islamic Knowledge for your children is available at their fingertips; saving you both time and money. For the past 6 years, we have spent hundreds of hours researching,  preparing material, teaching and creating high quality videos. Online learning is a proven effective learning method and is the future of education. Online education enables the student to set their own learning pace, and there’s the added flexibility of setting a schedule that fits your family’s needs. We truly believe that nothing like Your Madrasah exists and pray to Allaah that it benefits the Ummah.

Your Madrasah – The Online Islamic School

Enrol your child to Your Madrasah and aid them in learning the Quran and Duas. Give them the opportunity to ask their questions.

Your Madrasah

your madrasah logo
Your Madrasah: The online Islamic school for your children with a curriculum approved by scholars in Madeenah.


London, EC1V 2NX

YM Projects

Your Madrasah App

Your Madrasah app coming soon inshaAllaah..

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